We Create. We Inspire. We Succeed.

We are your Destination Storytellers

Passion is what brings people together, passion is what inspires people to travel. With almost 30 years of experience, we know our market – its needs, its requirements, its characteristics. Therefore our mission is to share your story and inspire travelers in the German-speaking market to explore all the wonderful things your destination has to offer. We are the storytellers of your destination. We are destination specialists, communication experts, event planners, creative thinkers, social media natives, web designers and so much more.

Whether you require full service representation or single support in particular areas, with our highly customized and target-oriented support you can make us your one-stop shop for your needs and requirements. In cooperation with our extensive network of high profile travel trade, media, airlines and hotel partners, we help you grow awareness about your destination, send more travelers your way and increase the return on investment. 

Full Service Or Project based

Our Services

As a full service Marketing & Public Relations agency, we provide a wide range of services for the destinations we represent, based on their individual needs and requirements. We are happy to assist you with any services you require and provide you with tailor-made strategies that reach exceptional results.


We are proficient in creating and developing creative marketing campaigns in cooperation with tour operators and airlines which engage and connect with the consumer and travel trade where appropriate. The B2B & B2C campaigns are tailored to the client’s specific needs, targeted and specifically produced to engage with a target audience or market sector. Our effective destination marketing strategies help drive tourism, boost local economies, and increase the visibility and reputation of the destination in the global market.


Public relations is a critical component of the travel industry, as it helps companies build and maintain a positive reputation among customers and stakeholders. PR tactics such as media relations, crisis communication, and event planning can help travel brands effectively communicate their messages, establish trust with customers, and generate positive publicity. In a highly competitive market, strong PR strategies can help travel companies stand out and attract new business.


Social media has become an essential tool for the travel industry to reach and engage with travelers. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter allow travel brands to showcase their destinations and services, connect with customers, and gather valuable feedback. Influencer marketing, user-generated content, and social listening are also effective strategies for travel companies to increase brand awareness and customer loyalty.

miles per year
amazing ideas
unforgettable moments
trained travel agents

From vibrant cities to picturesque states

our clients

We are happy to represent the following clients in Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland.

Choose Chicago

Louisiana Office of Tourism

New Jersey Travel & Tourism

New Orleans & Company

New York Division of Tourism


The Countryside of Philadelphia

U.S Travel Association

Visit Atlantic City

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Our Media Room

New(s) York 2024: Gekommen, um zu bleiben

Es liegt in der Natur einer totalen Sonnenfinsternis, Dinge in ihren Schatten zu stellen. Doch bei aller Begeisterung, mit der das am 8. April 2024

Central Jersey: Altes neu sortiert.

Mit Central Jersey zählt der Garden State ab sofort sieben statt der gewohnten sechs touristische Regionen - und zentral ist nicht nur die geographische Lage

Maßgeschneidert: Urlaub zum Mitnehmen

New York, Philadelphia und Washington D.C. - eine Städtekombination, die so aufregend ist, wie sie klingt. Und genauso anstrengend. Ein mehrtägiger Abstecher in die Countryside

Undercover: Sinn und Sinnlichkeit der Covered Bridges

Sie fügen sich so ideal in das sinnliche Landschaftsbild der Countryside of Philadelphia ein, dass sie beinahe darin zu verschwinden drohen. Dabei steckt in jeder

New Jerseys Skylands: Ein Abenteuerland zwischen Himmel und Mine

Wenn die Tage nach den Sommerferien kürzer werden und sich die Strände an der Atlantikküste leeren, nimmt das bunte Treiben in den Skylands, New Jerseys

Wanderbar: New York im Schritttempo

Eben noch die ganz große Stadt und plötzlich: Nichts! Kein Lärm, keine Hektik und kaum ein Mensch. In verblüffender Geschwindigkeit gelingt es New York hinter


If you have any questions or would like a detailed offer, get in touch with us